Sunday, April 20, 2008

Travels and Treasures

This has been an interesting month for me. The week after Easter I traveled to Russia to teach in a Bible institute and learn more about the work of a missionary friend. Byron was my guide, which is fitting because he has also been a friend and someone whose life and ministry I have admired for years. It was an amazing experience, and one that I hope to have a chance to repeat. Perhaps I blog on it later--you can look at my picture feed for some highlights.

After returning home, I turned around the next week and flew with my wife to California to meet my first grandson! Yes, as young as I look in that picture, I am a grandpa--Again, the picture feed can allow you to share the joy!

Then I returned and have been digging out of the pile of things awaiting me, emails to answer, mail to deal with, papers to grade (lots of those), class materials and a final exam to prepare, and of course the normal preparations that each week of ministry brings. Through it all I find myself rejoicing--I can't believe I get to experience all the amazing opportunities and blessings that are around me.

Don't get me wrong. There's plenty of hardship that comes along, but I am at one of those points where I can assert the truth of the statement that our "light and temporary afflictions" cannot be compared with the eternal weight of the glory to come.

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