Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving to Anyone Checking This Long Silent Blog!

Keeping 2 blogs, Twitter, and Facebook going hasn't worked too well for me--this is the site that has suffered, even though it's much easier to edit than my other blog, The Village Pastor (my official blog for my church family).  

But if you are here, which may mean you have a very boring Thanksgiving Day going, I do want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving Day.  I have so much for which I am thankful!
  1. I can never be thankful enough for the mercy and grace of God, given to me freely through Jesus Christ, and experienced more and more through the work of the Holy Spirit.  As I set my affections on things above, I am immeasurably blessed and changed.  So much could be said, but I'll move into preaching unless I stop.
  2. My wife and best friend, Kathy, has blessed me throughout the years in so many ways.  Her love and support give me the confidence to seek to be the man she sees in me.   I never want to take for granted such a great wife.
  3. My family teaches me so much, from the power (and sometimes pain) of love, to the marvel of God's work in each of us, to discovering the wisdom we never know our parents had, to having our siblings become more to us than we would have known, to the miracle of watching children become "people" (you know what I mean).  I love you all.
  4. The body of Christ amazes me.  My local fellowship, Grace in Cedarville, loves me so well.  I love you back.  Dear brothers and sisters who serve with me here, and serve for us around the world have enriched my life even as they model selfless service to the Lord; you are in my heart and prayers, and I think about you with gratitude.
  5. I have some very incredible friends, whose impact on my life far exceeds the time we sometimes get to spend together.  Just hearing your voices on the phone, or getting a random email, gives me so much joy.
  6. I don't want to be trapped by what I have, but I also want to express great thankfulness for the ways in which God has blessed us with a bounty!  We will eat some of that bounty today!
So thankful!