Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A Wave of Muslim Conversions to Jesus Christ

Many saw the new this weekend that Pope Benedict XVI baptized into the Roman Catholic Church Italy's most prominent Muslim writer during his Easter mass. I am not a fan of Roman Catholic practices or dogmas, but that is amazing news, just the same.

What is important to note is that this is not just an isolated incident.

Increasingly, Muslims are questioning the tenets of their faith, and the practices carried on in its name. This has led many to look elsewhere for truth. Christianity, especially the biblical gospel, seems to be gaining hearers and followers in unprecedented numbers.

For a refreshing report on one way that God is doing His work in the Middle East read this article by Raymond Ibrahim, posted on National Review Online, about Father Zakaria Botros, an Egyptian Coptic cleric (whose own site has clear presentations of the gospel) whose TV show on a satellite channel is having remarkable influence throughout the Muslim world.

My friend, John Cook, tells me that in conversations with Iraqi pastors, the church there is exploding with growth through the conversion of Muslims.

Joel Rosenberg reports on Muslim conversions to Christianity as the untold story of the region and the decade.

Amazing stuff.

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