Monday, May 28, 2007

Anti-Creationists Fear AIG's New Museum

Here you can find summaries from the National Center for Science Education of negative reactions from the scientific establishment toward the Creation Museum being opened today by Ken Ham's "Answers in Genesis" ministry (You can go to the Museum's own site here.

If you read the criticisms, you find them alternating between hysteria and despair. The hysterical part includes claims that those who believe what the museum shows will definitely be lacking in scientific understanding and won't make it through college level science classes. The despair is their acknowledgement that young earth creationists are not limited to the "lunatic fringe" of society--which means a whole lot more people accept creation accounts that diverge from evolution than you would expect when evolution has been taught as the only true science for over 40 years.

Me? I'm planning to visit sometime this summer, and I won't need the museum to convince me that God made the world in six actual, literal days, thousands rather than billions of years ago. But I'll enjoy seeing their representations of it!


Anonymous said...

"The despair is their acknowledgement that young earth creationists are not limited to the "lunatic fringe" of society"

Don't worry, they still are :)

Cyberparson said...

Yes, we (young earth creationists) probably are, but in the article they say we are not!