Monday, May 17, 2010

A Story I Want to Remember

Today was the funeral of a man in my church that many people would not know--Carl's years of more visible involvement were before my tenure.  Even so, many knew him, and those who had known him well over the 20 plus years he was in our village knew he was special.  We heard the story of Carl's conversion today, and stories about the change that faith brought into his life.  He became passionate to let people know about Jesus, and he loved to find ways to help and give to others.  He welcomed me to town when I moved here with one of his favorite passions and gifts--good coffee beans!  One story, though, stands out in my mind.

One of our missionaries returned home for a year of furlough.  Reporting to the church, the missionary shared a prayer request that the Lord might provide a vehicle for the family to use for the year.  Carl responded after the service, telling the missionary that because he recently purchased a new car and had two vehicles, he could give the missionary one to use.  Indeed Carl had a brand new Chrysler that was to replace an old clunker he had driven for years.  The next day, the missionary came to Carl's home to get the car, and was surprised when Carl handed him the keys--to the new Chrysler.  Carl kept driving the old car for the year.  As I spoke to people, I discovered that this was not out of character for him--it was normal.  The few who knew about this at the time were profoundly affected by his example.  I was today.

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