Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Inside Jokes for Believers: Review of "Stuff Christians Like"

Jonathan Acuff is a church insider--a pastor's kid who saw all the good, the bad, and the truly strange aspects of conservative Christian culture growing up, and continues to observe it today from the vantage point of a believer who hasn't let Christian weirdness drive him away from the faith.  He has blogged about these various evangelical practices, behaviors, and idiosyncracies at Stuff Christians Like and now has collected some of his essays into a book by the same name.  You can read it, or listen to a free download availalble at

I read the book, and found many of Acuff's stories amusing, and not a few of them just a bit painful, as his observations prove both true and embarrassing in terms of how the evangelical subculture functions.  From repetitive words in prayer to singles praying Jesus doesn't come until they get married and have sex, most everything he writes rings true.

Acuff uses his insights to make points, and he does so without lots of anger or vitriol--using well placed sarcasm instead.  He isn't heavyhanded in his applications when he makes them, either.  He clearly loves the church in all her weirdness.

As with any such book, there is unevenness to the quality of the essays and insights.  While some demanded I read them carefully to enjoy them fully, others, seemed like "skim quick" material.  The book, and the website, are lighthearted and good relaxation material. 

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