Sunday, April 20, 2008

A great man finishes well...

Dr. Clyde Cook, beloved long time president of Biola University, passed away last week at his home in Fullerton, CA. After returning home from a speaking engagement, he died suddenly at home, leaving behind his wife Anna Belle, 2 children and their families, and a university family of thousands.
Clyde Cook was a man whose life exemplified service to Christ. His parents were missionaries in Hong Kong at the outbreak of World War II, and when captured by the Japanese, the family was split among three prison camps. After the war, the family was reunited, and Clyde later attended Biola College, where he excelled in basketball. He later became a missionary to the Philippines, a professor at Biola and Talbot Seminary, President of OC International, and then President of Biola. Taking over the school at a time of transition and decline, he stemmed that slide and saw the school more than double under his presidency. He carefully guarded Biola's faithfulness to its heritage, while moving the school forward academically and in its influence in both the Christian world and the marketplace. He retired to become President Emeritus just one year ago and saw his successor appointed just this past fall.

I was blessed to have Dr. Cook as President during my time at Talbot, and I had a great appreciation for his leadership and his heart. Those of us with a long enough memory to have seen what he led Biola through have a great appreciation for his faithful service. He has finished his work here well.

Travels and Treasures

This has been an interesting month for me. The week after Easter I traveled to Russia to teach in a Bible institute and learn more about the work of a missionary friend. Byron was my guide, which is fitting because he has also been a friend and someone whose life and ministry I have admired for years. It was an amazing experience, and one that I hope to have a chance to repeat. Perhaps I blog on it later--you can look at my picture feed for some highlights.

After returning home, I turned around the next week and flew with my wife to California to meet my first grandson! Yes, as young as I look in that picture, I am a grandpa--Again, the picture feed can allow you to share the joy!

Then I returned and have been digging out of the pile of things awaiting me, emails to answer, mail to deal with, papers to grade (lots of those), class materials and a final exam to prepare, and of course the normal preparations that each week of ministry brings. Through it all I find myself rejoicing--I can't believe I get to experience all the amazing opportunities and blessings that are around me.

Don't get me wrong. There's plenty of hardship that comes along, but I am at one of those points where I can assert the truth of the statement that our "light and temporary afflictions" cannot be compared with the eternal weight of the glory to come.