Sunday, March 29, 2009

Shocking News: Guantanamo Detainee Lied; Actually Hates America

The Weekly Standard carries this report, first filed in the NY Times, that Mullah Zakir, aka Abdullah Ghulam Rasoul, is leading a unified Pakistani/Afghani Taliban against the US and other forces in Afghanistan. This same Mr. Rasoul was detained at Guantanamo, but was released as one of many who testified that he was forced to fight, actually loved what the US was doing in his country, and was a peaceful man. Now it turns out he was not telling the truth, that we actually had a major commander in custody, and now we have returned him to the field to attack and kill our military personnel.

We have been told over and over again that Guantanamo was a bad place, mistreating innocent people. Strangely, our new leaders in Washington can't figure out what to do with those still in our custody, and may even wish that we still had some in hand that have been let go. Mr. Rasoul would be one of those.

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