Even after all these years (and that is more than a half century for me) I never get tired of Christmas Day with family--and we had it with my extended family for the first time in six years on Christmas Day. Here we are in Texas earlier today--the tripod didn't make it, so Scott put his camera on a tall box and we waited patiently for it to shoot! Kudos to Scott for some great photos (you can see them in my Flickr account, which is linked at the bottom of the page.
We have thoroughly enjoyed this whole Advent and Christmas season, from the celebrations with our church family in Ohio, to our family times, to the presence of our first grandchild (the beautiful baby boy in the front row). Looking at that picture reminds me of the blessing of a heritage of faith--my parents raised us to know God, we have sought to do the same, and now I am watching as my daughter and son in law take similar steps.
Most of all, though, it seems to me that Christmas is a time that makes me think more deeply about God's gift of salvation through his Son to me, and how my life is and needs to be given over to making much of Jesus. Easter does this, too, but Christmas seems even more powerful in my heart--perhaps because of the length of our Advent observance. In any event, it has been another wonderful season for me, and I trust it has been for you, too!
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