Well, it's Christmas morning, and we are well into our first "just us" Christmas celebration here in Ohio. A few random thoughts...
1. It is very different not to have small children at Christmas--ours wanted to sleep until 9! But, our boy still looks forward to present time with obvious excitement and plans to organize it.
2. Our dog, Trixie, certainly enjoys the holiday (she's wearing some of her tissue in the pic).
3. I haven't lost my touch with sausage and eggs!!!
4. As we took our time yesterday and today to play games, eat, watch movies, eat, cook, enjoy our breakfast, our presents, and then eat, I think we have found an enjoyable rhythm for the 5 of us. It is definitely a different experience without family around, but we are having a really great time.
5. I don't mind FM Static (my son's new CD), I like Mark Schultz (oldest daughter's CD), and haven't heard still not much of a TobyMac fan (second daughter's CD).
6. Best shopper outside of immediate family--Grandma H, who managed to hit home runs with all the kids.
7. I never get tired of seeing the kids' reactions to gifts they weren't expecting and like (gifts they weren't expecting and don't like have interesting reactions, too, but we didn't have any of those today).
Merry Christmas!!!
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