Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Archaeologist sees proof for Bible in ancient wall - Yahoo! News

This story (link from title or below) has been out for a few days, but I waited to post on it because I wanted to see if anyone came out contradicting it. I didn't expect so, since Eilat Mazar, the archaeologist heading this work, is very well respected.
Of course, we who believe the Bible aren't surprised to find evidence that Solomon really lived, built up and expanded city walls in Jerusalem, and did so in the time frame of Scripture. But it's nice for those who have less faith to be reminded of this history.

There is, as the article notes, a "minimalist" school in Israeli archaeology that late dates all Hebrew history and thinks anything before the divided kingdom period is pretty much myth. This group has spent years arguing against the reliability of the biblical record for the first half of Jewish history, but this is another significant argument against their view.

Archaeologist sees proof for Bible in ancient wall - Yahoo! News