John Piper's Desiring God Blog references this link to Adoniram Judson's words to potential missionaries, written after decades of service in Burma. Judson is considered the pioneering figure in the development of American missionary activities in the early 1800's. His powerful words are a challenge to our ways of thinking, and left me encouraged and challenged. Pay special attention to his fourth, sixth, seventh, and tenth points. Let me cite just part of the seventh:
"Seventhly. Beware of pride; not the pride of proud men, but the pride of humble men -- that secret pride which is apt to grow out of the consciousness that we are esteemed by the great and good. This pride sometimes eats out the vitals of religion before its existence is suspected. In order to check its operations, it may be well to remember how we appear in the sight of God, and how we should appear in the sight of our fellow-men, if all were known."